Red Bloodwood Tree

The red bloodwood tree, Corymbia gummifera, is found along the east coast of mainland Australia from Victoria up to South East Queensland and can grow up to 45 metres tall. I have two of these trees growing close together on my acreage property.

Red bloodwood gums on my property.
Same trees from another angle.


Many species of eucalypt live for more than 250 years.


The bark of the red bloodwood is light grey and rough, cracked and scaly.

The red bloodwood gets its name from the blood red resin that appears when wounded.

The tree has clusters of white flowers that are popular with nectar eating birds and possums, while the gum nuts are favoured by cockatoos, and the sap is a food source for gliders.

Red bloodwood flowers. (Photo from Wikipedia)


Eucalypt flowers do not have petals. The entire flower consists of stamens. The blooms come in many colours – white, cream, yellow, red, orange, pink and green.


6 thoughts on “Red Bloodwood Tree

  1. Love those flowers … but I guess you don’t get to see them up close! I used to collect the seedpods of the eucalyptus trees when we lived on La Palma (for rustic decorations). Do you get any of those from this gum?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As far as I know, all eucalypts are the same and the seeds are in the gum nuts after flowering. They take awhile to develop, so I think they get eaten by birds before I have a chance at seeing them.


  2. Thanks Sue for the interesting post on this tree. I have been told the timber from these trees burns very hot and hotter than most other timber, though I don’t know how true this is. Enjoy your week, we are getting our first cold front tomorrow all going well, and possibly rain.

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