Rainbow Lorikeet Antics

What better way to start off the new year than with an amusing video of rainbow lorikeets. Not only are these birds bright and colourful, they have so much personality and get up to all kinds of things. I took this video recently when a lot of lorikeets turned up in the gum tree out the front of our house. They were very noisy and chatty and bickering amongst themselves, and all while hanging upside down!


2 thoughts on “Rainbow Lorikeet Antics

  1. Thanks! For some reason we have a lot more rainbow lorikeets hanging around at the moment. It gets quite noisy at times! lol


  2. Unbelievable footage, its fantastic. As I watch this I can hear a flock of Rainbow Lorikeets feeding in a gum tree over the road. Last year we had one so drunk on nectar it could barely stand up on the ground let alone fly.

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